Friday, February 20, 2009

Happy LOVE Month!!

I can't believe it, Seneca will be 6 months old February 26th. She is getting so big! She is loving solid foods and is fascinated with drinking water out of a cup. So, cute! Please continue to keep us as well as Seneca's birth mother in your prayers as we get closer to finalizing her adoption. There are a few more things we need to do. Hopefully all will be completed by the end of the month so we can adopt her in March. Anyway, here is a cute clip of her.


Mrs. Jones says said...

Ahhhh, she is SOO CUTE@!! You are in our prayers guys! I am sure everything will work out great and that hudge "burden" will be lifted off of your shoulders in March and you can go to the temple and live happily ever after! :)
I noticed she has that lazy eye thing going on. Malia too has that, in the same eye even. I am dreading getting the "eye patch", but have been told numerous times to deal with it sooner than later. Maybe they can be pirate twins together! :) I still need to meet this little munchkin you know!!

Unknown said...

what a cutie pants!!

Alison said...

That is so cute! There is nothing like a babies laugh to make you laugh!

Scott and Megan said...

love it are such a great mom! (and friend!) xo