Tuesday, June 15, 2010

la vie en france

With the exception of briefly posting pictures on our blog, I really haven't had the time to fully express my thoughts about moving here. So, here goes!

When Matt told me about a possible position here in France I was extremely excited! Selfishly excited because this is where my dad was born and raised. I have a few relatives that still live here in Southern France. So the thought of learning the language and getting better acquainted with my family was something I have always wanted to do. So, when Matt accepted the position and we prepared to leave I had no idea how difficult a process it would be. In our particular situation Matt was hired on as a consultant; which means we had to figure out how to get here, and get established without any help from his organization, etc...etc... and without really knowing the language it has been a challenge. My three years of French in school was not enough...ha..ha! Gratefully the people in our particular area have been very helpful.

Here are some things I love about where we live and things that are very very interesting:

1. Grocery stores have a HUGE assortment of cheeses
2. Many wonderful boulangeries in the area
3. What an invention...you put a coin in the grocery cart to release it from being locked up and in order to get your coin back you HAVE to put it back...genius!
4. Love you have to recycle your bags when shopping.
5. Only fast-food in town is McDonalds which is not enticing in any way...except for the playground. I love that you don't have fast-food here.
6. Walking distance to the town.
7. People say "bonjour" all of the time
8. Love that the shops close for two hours each day (12pm-2pm) and all day on Sundays

Things not so lovely
1. Smoking everywhere!
2. PDA everyone....lot's of making out! he...he..
3. People here walk across the street and THEN look...very irritating.
4. They drive freaking nuts!
5. Takes two weeks or more to set up phone/internet/cable
6. You have to schedule an appointment to see someone at the bank. In our case it took two weeks. Still waiting on bank cards...they are efficient!
7. Definitely no urgency to work...
8. I returned a light bulb that was the wrong size. The gal said "non" because it was opened. So I had her hold it at the counter while I shopped. When I came back to get it, she slid it across the counter and it landed on the floor and broke. So I then asked...now can I get a new one? :)
9. Trying to find a place to live in the month of May was almost nearly impossible. They have so many holidays in this month it is ridiculous. Not only do they take the day off for the holiday but a few days afterward....crazy!

I know there is more...but that is it for now. I've really enjoyed the time thus far. We are finally settled and that makes me feel good. We've had a couple of years of unsettledness (if that is a word). So, this is good. I've also mat some wonderful friends through Matt's work and the international school here. I've been practicing my french and slowing making process. I find I understand more and more each day, but having trouble putting my sentences together. Hopefully soon it will flow. I meet with a group each week to practice. I'm also exchanging French for English each week as well and will be starting classes in the fall. So, wish me luck!

Bon après-midi


Kristin and Guy said...

Love the posts, Mesia! Love the pix and thoughts on France thus far. Would be awesome to come visit someday... :)

Scott and Megan said...

wowza! I am loving the info on France. We just got back from Italy and thought of you (since we were the closest we could get...:)

Carrie & Dustin Nicholes said...

You're such an amazing person and it sounds like you're making the most of this experience. So happy for you!

Rhandi said...

You are amazing Mesia! I love you attitude and how you are just going for it. You are basically living my dream! Even with all of the annoyances that come with living in a new country, what a lucky and special time in your lives. Thanks for sharing your experience- love all of the pics. Good luck with your French.

Alison said...

What an adventure!! How exciting that you can connect more with your roots...good luck learning the language!

Julia Harps said...

I'm still jealous. Maybe by the time you get back I will get over it! :) I love to hear of your adventures.