Sunday, January 2, 2011

Toulouse, France

After visiting the Basque country we decided to head home towards Toulouse. On our way, Seneca and I took a nap and Matt noticed this at a rest stop:

Picture of the Pyrenees in the background
 After this rest stop we continued on toward Toulouse. Initially we were going to stay overnight here but decided to just have lunch and continue on. Here are some pictures we hope caught the feel of the city.

Here in Toulouse we ate at a great "hole in the wall". It was a Greek/Turk restaurant...LOVED IT!

After this, we made our final stretch home safe! Yhew! We made it home after a week of traveling.

I know there are many more beautiful places around the world; however, I feel so grateful right now to have this opportunity to see what is around us. 

Bonne année!  

gros bisous


Suz said...

Wow- what great pictures!! Looks like you guys had a great time traveling around. I am trying really hard to convince Rand that we need to go see my parents in Geneva- how far away is that from where you guys are? Wouldn't it be awesome if we could make it over there while you are still there?? In the meantime- I'll just live vicariously through your pictures! :)

Karin said...

LOVE all of the documenting!! Good thing Jov gets up so dapng early so I could get us breakfast and read up on your adventures before the other 3 wake up. I'm so glad you're taking advantage of living there with all of the traveling you're doing. Thank for keeping us updated on all of the fun!!!