Here are some fun pictures we took this month.

I was asking the girls to close their eyes while I pulled out little tutu's I made for them.

So cute, Elizabeth is closing her eyes...but
not Ana...

Painting Ana's nails...purple and
Seni in her stylish Hawaiian outfit with a hat and sunglasses
Seni with Ana and Elizabeth

Papa's school with Kristin and Adam racing down the slide.

Adam showing us his big muscles!

Adam, Grandma Sue and
Seni gazing off in the distance!

Seni and Adam...they were racing!

Mom and
Seni....Adam and Kristin
Seni's best friend Connor
Seni and her cute tutu stylish! We got the
onezie in Hawaii a year ago and had to wear it before she grew out of it...only problem is it's, I made her wear leggings.
all my boys adore her. they think she is so cute and get excited to see what a little chunk she is.
love the rainbow leggings!
We miss cousin Seni! Thanks again for the fun times and entertainment! (we're still talking about eating cookie dough and painting nails with aunt mesia. The girls LOVE their tutus, too!) You are just so fun!!!
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