Thursday, March 4, 2010

Approved for ADOPTION #2

Hello all!
Yes, it's that time again....and we are VERY excited and anxious to have another little spirit join our family! Plus, Seneca wants to be a big sister.

One strong suggestion we've received from our caseworker and a number of our friends who've adopted is to get the word out to as many people as possible.  Adoption these days is very "open" (meaning the birth mother has a very large say in which family her baby goes to)--so as strange and awkward as it is, we're encouraged to 'market' ourselves to as many people as possible, as the more who know we're looking, the more likely/quicker we might find a good match for our family. 

If you become aware of birth parents looking to place their child in a loving home, we would appreciate help in recommending us to them.  If they are willing to consider us as adoptive parents, please have them:

1. view our profile at . Click on "View Adopting Family Profiles", search by name: Matt and Mesia (Utah) or Profile ID# 24063349
2. contact us directly at . Or;
3. contact our case worker, Stefanie Sparks, at LDS Family Services,
--I apologize for the email blast, we're just doing what we can to get the word out!  Thank you for taking a minute to read this--hope all's well with each of you.  

Matt, Mesia & Seneca

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