Friday, July 8, 2011

Seneca's Purse

So, Seneca got this cute purse from her friend Emilie. She absolutely loves it and usually it never leaves her side.
She also loves to accessorize with it...

So, a few months back we started to go on "Nature Walks" to collect "Nature Treasures". Well, this fun little has turned into everywhere we go we (Seneca) is on the look out for "Nature Treasures". Now, she has this cute little purse to put it all in. Well, the other night, while she was sleeping, I had to see what she had inside. She wouldn't let me do this if she was, this was the best time to check out her treasures. So, this is what we found...

The purse was really heavy so, I emptied it out, to try and "thin" it out without her knowing it because she refused to do it.

She is a collector...


Alicia said...

Oh so cute. She is a girl after my own heart.

Julia Harps said...

cutest post ever! what a cutie. :)

Dana Kelvington said...

My grand daughter, Sammy who lives in Las Vegas has been collecting all kinds of items in her purse lately. She will be two next week. I love Seneca's style; plastic hot dogs, a little back to nature green stuff, a doll, a brush. All the things a girl needs!

Karin said...

How did I miss this post? Rob mentioned something about it, so I had to come check it out! I say after your "vacation" to France, you need to move to a less exotic location, say- Idaho, so Seneca can be buddies with Anna and Lizzy. She will fit right in!
We sometimes have to look through purses to find missing objects...;)