Monday, October 24, 2011

Fall Time...and Halloween!

I must say I love living in an area where I can experience seasons. I love Southern California, but you didn't really get a feel of seasons changing. I really love living here in Manosque, because we truly get a great feel of the seasons. It really makes you appreciate each of them. Right now, I just absolutely love the Fall/Autumn. The leaves are changing and finally the temperature is dropping and today we've a lot of rain. I also love squash and luckily we hit a small village that was having a festival of squash! fun! Anyway, we have done a few things over the past month or so....enjoy! (sorry they are not in order)

With our International friends, we organized a trick-or-treating activity where we had people handing out candy along a trail in the forest. It was a lot of fun! 

We had our Hungarian friends over for dinner again...they are great!

Seneca painting her pumpkin! She was so proud of this!

Fete de la Courge a Rians

C'est la meme chose

Seneca tying herself up with her that!

She did not want to have anything to do with this....Just wanted to watch.


Beverly Livingston said...

Very cute. I like your costume too. We are having a kid Halloween party and I think everyone is excited because it is something that is just starting to be celebrated in Europe.

Scott and Megan said...

I can't believe Seneca is starting school at 3...I can't believe she is 3!!! What a cutie! The little bilingual doll! Hope all is well~