Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Why I Love This Girl---Our Seni

We just adore little Seni Rae! She is growing and developing so much that we are amazed at what she does. She is also very funny! Here are some Seni-isms:

1. "more tikows (tickles)  pease"
2. "what dis?" What is it Seneca?... "it's gass (grass)" (referring to Matt's hairy belly)
3. i hear this a lot "more chips, Seneca. more cookies, Seneca, more chocolate mommy...
4. she loves to sing. in fact, she is very shy about it. if you close your eyes she will sing. if you open them and look at her she will say "no".
5. she is very much into coloring. so we got her some colored pencils which she seems to prefer over crayons. she draws little pictures. when i ask her what they are here are some of the things she has said: mommy, daddy, papie, papa, mamaw, grandma sue, baby, and seneca
6. mom and mamaw, she eats with silverware!
7. "mommy, i poopy"
8. "mommy, i tooted"
9. she loves to give open mouth kisses...
10. pretending to go to the bathroom on her potty
11. playing soccer with the neighborhood boy
12. "good bye, mommy" as she tries to unlock/lock the door with her toy keys
13. pretending to drive any chance she gets (this is when the car is parked...)
14. we were at the grocery store one day and while we were checking out she says "don't touch, mommy". i'm always asking her not to touch anything and she was telling me.
15. she loves to eat pate, smoked salmon, balsamic vinaigrette, and cheese! dad, she is your granddaughter!
16. she will run and jump on our bed hide under our covers and pillows and yell for us to find her.
17. she loves her hooded towel (her cape)...she loves to run around the house with it on.
18. she knows all the verses to mary had a little lamb...we read this to her as it's a book and she knew which words came next.
19. loves to put lipstick on and also eat it!
20. we go to les vannades (a lake near us). last time we went she followed the ducks in the water...clothes and all!
21. "bees peas!" she pulled out my yoga mat and wanted to do some stuff so i taught her bees. this is where you put your hands on your shoulders and buzz like a bee around the house. we also do cat/cow pose as well as down dog and it is so funny when she randomly does this on her own. 

Here are some video clips:
Happy Birthday To You 
with this one...we practiced singing Happy Birthday for Mamaw's birthday and she would occasionally sing it. This is the first time she has not been embarrassed to sing while I tried to video record her.
Wheels On The Bus
she loves this song
Mary Had a Little Lamb
she knows all of the verses to this one...too funny

Seneca woke up from her nap one day and said "hug". I didn't really know what she said so I said "show mommy". She walked up to her animals that are up on the wall and said "hug". I don't think realized until she tried that she really couldn't do it.

We absolutely love her!

1 comment:

Kelly Woolley said...

loved the video clips! she's so grown up!