Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Première journée d'école

Matt and I decided to put Seneca in school (more like daycare) two days a week for three hours a day to help her learn french and give her the opportunity to play with other french children. When I dropped her off she seemed fine. When I came to pick her up they said "elle s'est mis en colère". I didn't quite catch the entire sentence but I knew the word "colere" well enough....She was very angry with me when I left and cried for a bit. However, when I picked her up, she didn't want to leave. So, we will try again tomorrow and see how it goes. 

While Seneca is in school Matt and I are both taking private French lessons to help us with the language here. We really want to learn it and have found we need help. We've done a lot of independent study, but feel we both need more direction. So, hopefully we will all be fluent by the time we hit our year mark here. 

She was not interested in taking pictures so I asked her to put her hands up...make it fun...
Again, not interested. She was sucking her thumb. So I asked her to stick her tongue out....:)
This is the gate that goes to her school (small house). 
So camera shy....


Karin said...

Adorable first day of school pictures! She's just getting so big! Hope she handles tomorrow well. Thanks for keeping up with the posts!!!

the harrisons said...

i love this! i want elle in a darling little french school!

Megan said...

yeah for school! i'm sure she'll get used to it. seneca knows how to hold her own!

Julia Harps said...

can I come learn french too? I will go to senica's school if they let me!