Saturday, April 2, 2011

I can't believe I did it!

Matt and I have been married for almost nine years! Yahoo! However, during this time I cannot remember ever ironing a shirt for him. I HATE to iron for myself let alone someone else. I know it was from trama I received as a parents made me iron my dad's work shirts because it was cheaper than taking them to the cleaners...oh, did I hate this chore.

Well, Matt was trying to find a shirt to wear the other morning and said he needed to iron and really didn't have much left to wear. So, I said, pull them out and I can iron them for you...he replied with something like "I can do it later" (knowing that I hate doing it). I suggested again..."no, I can do it"....and yes, I did it! I still shock myself sometimes!

I know he appreciated it! And yes, I probably need to help him out more with this kind of stuff as he ALWAYS does a lot at home for our family.


Kristin said...

LOL! You're awesome, Mesia!

Alicia said...

You are hilarious. I HATE ironing. I think I can count on one hand how many times I have done it.

Karin said...

Funny how we can all relate- I'm just glad Jim's work uniform doesn't require ironing! Thanks for taking good care of our bro:) Glad you documented this occasion:)!!

teamZ said...

Good job! It would take a lot to get me to iron. A few years ago I completely gave up ironing. We have a service that picks it up and drops it off. I dislike ironing so much, I think it is worth every penny.

Fowler family said...

Haha- this is so funny Mesia, I too HATE ironing, and I never ever do it either. My poor husband. Man, those shirts look spiffy!

Megan said...

mesia, you rock! weston should feel lucky when i whip out the iron for him, but i don't think he really appreciates how little i do it for him, so it is also a special moment!

Mrs. Jones says said...

I hate ironing too. To my lucky surprise, while Mike and I were dating I came to find out that he already owned his one VERY NICE iron and ironing board. Why? Because he LOVES to iron! What a perfect match, so now, not only do I not need to iron his shirts, I don't even need to iron my own stuff! He is way better than me at it too. You are SO nice to do that for him, what a great wife! ;)

Heather Lee said...

The ladie's at Steve's work always comment on Steve's perfectly creased shirts. He gives me all the credit...although he and the Dry Cleaners definitely do the job at least half of the time.

Way to go. I hate the thought of ironing...but once I'm doing it, it's sort of relaxing.

Peri said...

sometimes i like ,but usually i get tired very fast ,pain in my back and legs ...uff . I put nice movie or tv program to finish fast :))